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A few days back, I was arranging my photos - storing them in separate folders, labelling them with year and context. So many memories - some are sweet and never to be forgotten, while some are at the verge of astray. The number has been increasing since last year, as I started learning photography, experimenting with professional lenses and cameras, and exploring new avenues. Most of these photographs, both old and new, have stories - some are sweet and never to be forgotten, while some are at the verge of astray.


The idea of 'Every picture tells a story' came to my mind at that very time, and I decided to pen them down in a journal. That's how 'Memories born' was born. Soon after birth, it decides to include some of those countless memories which are recorded in my mind every single day.


In a nutshell, 'Memories born' is here to share stories of hidden imagination behind every photos, and to rejuvenate the dying romanticism from the hard soils of reality.


Meet the person behind the posts

Hello all,

Thanks for landing on my page. My name is Achyut.


This is my weblog coming from the heart of a child who never ceases to be amused and from the brain of a man who never accepts reality without evidence.

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